Friday, February 20, 2009



So, everyone's making lists, most people tend to round it off to a nice number, what's wrong with 13? Here I go, with the 13 most random things I can think of...

1. I think I'm awesome, don't care who objects, don't want to know.(Please don't!)

2. 'Weird' is the most underrated word in the English language. It can stand for basically anything and I think it's the coolest word there is. (I go through 'cool word' phases)
(It also violates the ' 'i' before 'e' except after 'c' rule' for spelling, which I think is cool again.)

3. I have always wondered whether the caesura* comes before the parentheses or inside them or after them. (I know I should've paid more attention in English class).

4. I think English class is a waste of time. I mean, for how long do I have to flaunt my vocabulary to prove to the world that I know English? (I also happen to think no end of myself).

5. I like movies, not because they take you into a world full of surprises and mystery and fantasy and not because they are awesome(well, partly that too), but basically because I like movies. (call me 'King of the obvious', but ain't we all?)

6. What never ceases to amaze me is why people abbreviate the names of movies and tv shows(especially Hindi movies), which makes them sound rather pathetic, and why they go about trying to make the abbreviation sound like a word (Why? Oh Why??), which just makes it all the more retarded. eg:K3G,K2H2, we're talking movies here, not Chemistry.

7. College is a funny word that a lot of people mispronounce and misspell as 'collage', but I guess every college can metaphorically be interpreted to be a bunch of papers that must be cut into varied shapes and stuck together to make them 'look' nice. I don't know why I tend to get so philosophical.

8. I love the game Wolf 3-D. It is one of the earliest games I played and call me weird, but nothing I have played over the years seems to give me quite the same rush that taking down Hitler (with the Nazi** anthem blaring in the background) did.

9. 'Nazi' sounds awesome. I said sounds. Don't brand me now. Not yet at least.

10. My blog is called '' and the headline says 'Freaks of the World UNITE!!' which quite frankly seems very five-year-old to me, but I still seem to like it. Can't quite make myself change either( or maybe, just maybe I'm too lazy too).

11. My internet connection likes to take frequent bathroom breaks, but of late I have started to suspect diarrhoea or dysentry or whatever it is that makes you hit the can even other minute. Maybe it needs some Immodium***. (Yeah, I make very weird metaphors).

12. 13 is a nice number. It doesn't seem to possess any vice, It doesn't seem to want to attack me when my back is turned and It doesn'y say a word when I yell at it(I don't yell at numbers, come on, I was just spitballing****.) Yes, those are the criteria by which I judge people as well (or maybe I'm just twisted).

13. See No.1
(I am OBSESSED with the word).

*caesura-what I originally thought to be a stop or a pause, which my English Lecturer specifically mentioned to be a full stop. My arguements about the generic-ness of the Caesura went un-respected and un-noticed and WHY? Because I didn't possess a whatever degree my English Lecturer has (I actually don't mind being told I'm wrong once in a while, so that was fun).

**Nazi- just GO away if you don't know what it means. Though, actually, it is a complicated term. Bah, just go away.

***Immodium - The drug that can give you relief like no other.
Let me run by you, what a possible ad for Immodium 'could' look like:

A boy wakes up in the morning and realizes he is late for school. He runs downstairs to brush but realizes that nature is calling him at a very high intensity and runs off into the toilet.
He comes out and complains to Mom,
Son: 'Ma, I need to go to the toilet again and again. What do i do???? :('
Ma: 'Don't worry beta, have an Immodium!'
Son: 'Thank you Ma, You're the best!'
Ma: Don't thank me beta, thank Immodium!
(happy music plays)
Ma and Son(smiling) and chorus: Thank you Immodium!

****spitballing-I have no idea what on earth it could possibly mean, but pitchers in baseball spit on the palm of their hand or their glove or whatever to influence the path of the ball, and I presume that could be a possible origin, or it could be the balling of spit in a person's mouth accompanied by the 'aaarchhhh' sound, and I presume that it is an equivalent to brainstorming.


P.S. Please note how dramatic I have made the title sound!


Aditya said...

Wow, I didn't realize it'd come out that big.
By big, I mean the font size :o

Ryan said...

Lol, good one. Especially the immodium bit.